Trusted Professionals: Adam Jaynes with Primerica

Adam Jaynes with Primerica is one of our trusted professionals. He specializes in life insurance, finance, disability insurance, investments and helping families budget. We highly recommend him because he is honest, trustworthy and very knowledgeable.

Adam resides in Payson, UT with his wife, Tami, and their eight children. Adam loves to spend time with his family, especially in the outdoors. Being outdoors and having hiking trails so close to home, is one of Adams favorite things about living in Payson.

Adam is the senior regional leader and has over 10 years of experience in helping families leave their loved ones protected financially in the event of a premature passing. He can also help you get a family budget together and help you with your investments and savings. He loves to teach families how their money can work for them so they can be financially free. His website has some great videos to teach you about how money works and person finance. Please let Adam know that you heard about his services from Utah Avenue Insurance.

Adam Jaynes

Senior Regional Leader

1180 N Mountain Springs Pkwy

Ste 204

Springville, UT 84660

Office: 801-669-2384


Here's a great video that helps explain all that Adam can help you with and why he loves doing what he does.

Trusted Professionals of Utah Avenue Insurance

Utah Avenue Insurance loves helping you with your health insurance. But we know you may need a great recommendation to other services like carpet cleaning, home and auto insurance, investments, and auto repair. Businesses listed in our 'Trusted Professionals' category are ones that we've worked with personally and referred our clients to many times. You can be confident that they are trusted experts in their field. If you need a referral to a business not listed, please contact us today. We have many other trusted professionals not listed yet we love working with.

About Utah Avenue Insurance

Utah Avenue Insurance is your local health insurance and Medicare insurance experts. Our agents are here to help you with all your health insurance questions. Utah Avenue can help you with marketplace (aka Obamacare) plans, private health insurance and Medicare. If you have questions about how your medical insurance plans work or need help enrolling in a plan, we can help you. As always, our service is free to you.

801-609-8699 Call/Text
Medicare Questions
Health Insurance Questions

332 S 100 W, Payson

699 S Main Street, Springville

Call/Text: 801-609-8699