2021 Advance Premium Tax Credit Disclosure
Important Terms & Conditions, Please Read Carefully:
I understand that I will lose my premium tax credit if I'm found eligible for other minimum essential coverage, like coverage through my job or Medicare. I also understand that if I don't contact the Marketplace about my eligibility for other coverage, I will lose my coverage through the Marketplace.
I understand that because the premium tax credit will be paid on my behalf to reduce the cost of health coverage for myself and/or my dependents:
• I must file a federal income tax return in 2022 for the tax year 2021.
• If I'm married at the end of2021, I must file a joint income tax return with my spouse. I also expect that:
• No one else will be able to claim me as a dependent on their 2021 federal income tax return.
• I'll claim a personal exemption deduction on my 2021 federal income tax return for any individual listed on this application as a dependent who is enrolled in coverage through this Marketplace and whose premium for coverage is paid in whole or in part by advance payments.
If any of the above changes, I understand that it may impact my ability to get the premium tax credit. I also understand that when I file my 2021 federal income tax return, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) will compare the income on my tax return with the income on my application. I understand that if the income on my tax return is lower than the amount of income on my application, I may be eligible to get an additional premium tax credit amount. On the other hand, if the income on my tax return is higher than the amount of income on my application, I may owe additional federal income tax.