Surebridge ProtectFit Plus Low Plan
Plan Year:
Supplemental Insurance Carrier:
ProtectFit Plus can help protect you and your family
by paying a blend of lump-sum and daily cash benefits to help cover
unexpected medical expenses. Get $500 if you are admitted to the hospital plus a daily benefit of $150/day. Get $100 if you visit the ER because of an accident and an added $100 if you need a CT or MRI. Get $25-$6250 lump sum payment for covered accidental injuries, depending on diagnosis and up to $75/day for rehab or follow up appointments.
How does this plan work?
Accidental plans with optional riders are a great way to cover your medical expenses on high deductible health plans. At Utah Avenue Insurance, we make getting your claim submitted and approved easy. Simply call, email or text us after you've received treatment for a covered accidental injury or sickness and we help you with the rest. This plan gives you the opportunity to add levels of coverage and protect yourself from out-of-pocket costs you can’t see coming. Following a covered accidental injury, it’ll cover your accident-related medical costs and other expenses up to the benefit amount you choose. Hospital stays are expensive. The optional sickness hospitalization rider can help. If you’re admitted to a hospital for a sickness, this rider will pay a lumpsum benefit for the first day of covered hospital admission. Sickness Hospitalization coverage has no deductible and no network restrictions. Plus, it pays benefits regardless of other coverage you may have, helping you get the out-of-pocket coverage you need, when you need it. The optional cancer and heart/stroke coverage pays one lump-sum benefit for a covered first-ever cancer diagnosis and a covered heart attack or stroke. This plan can be added to your health insurance at anytime of the year.

1. Get the Care you need
See your doctor, urgent care facility or emergency room for a covered accidental injury or sickness. Have your doctor or the hospital bill your regular medical health insurance plan.

2. Let us do the paperwork
Call, text or email us that you have a claim. Our office staff will help you fill out and send in all the right forms and track your claim.

3. Get paid
Get paid! You'll get a check made out to you. Use these funds to cover your medical expenses, lost wages, or something fun.

Frequently Asked Questions
How do I get my ID card?
Accidental plans with the optional riders do not come with ID cards. So you will not receive a card in the mail. You can access your plan benefits, update payment options, and more in your member portal. Log in with the link below.
Is your doctor and hospital in network?
Accidental plans do not have networks. Which means that you can see any doctor or hospital in nation and still file a claim. It is recommended that if you have a health insurance plan that you see an in-network doctor or hospital if possible as only emergency are covered out of network on most health insurance plans.
Currently Enrolled with this plan? Log into your portal.
Below is the link to log into your client portal. Most companies have an app you can also download onto your phone. The best place to view information about this plan is through the member portal. The member portal gives you easy access to your plan details, claims information, and more. You can update your payment information in the member portal, too. Simply set up an account and login by clicking the member portal link below. If you have any issues logging in, just give us a call and we can help.
Premium Payments
Premium payments is the monthly amount you pay for your insurance plan. The initial premium, or binder payment, needs to be made before your plan starts. Be sure to watch your account to make sure the premium has been debited. Most carriers accept bank accounts, debit cards and credit cards as payment. If you need to update your account, you can log into your portal or call our office for help.
Deductible? Copays? Coinsurance? What does it mean?
Learn the basic terms about health insurance to better understand your plan. Don't worry, most people don't know what these terms mean and how they apply to your plan. That's why we're here. Please contact us if we missed any terms or if you'd rather talk to us instead of read.
Learn more about this plan and talk to a local agent
Want to add extra coverage or riders to you plan? Contact a local agent today. We can get you a quote right away and start these plans as soon as tomorrow. These plans can be added to your high deductible employer plan as well.

Schedule a consultation with a local Utah health insurance agent
We're happy to meet with your in-person or over the phone to help you with your health insurance needs. We can help you with health insurance on or off the marketplace, Medicare Advantage & supplements, dental insurance, vision insurance, life insurance or accident plans. Thank you for letting us be your advocate. Best part, is our help is always free!