Building Your Nest Egg

Ahhh Spring.
Fuzzy chicks, brightly colored eggs, budding trees and flowers popping up through the muddy earth. With the prospect of new life blossoming all around us after a long winter, it's no wonder we inherently set our minds on a fresh, new start.
A feeling of accomplishment sets in with the coming of spring. We escape the hum-drum solitude that traps us in winter and transform ourselves into the busy bee we have somehow been missing. We tackle spring cleaning projects, work in the garden, go for walks, and eat light, fresh foods. This is the person we intended on growing into.
In all the buzz of spring, with longer, warmer days and a renewed sense of purpose, we dare to imagine our future selves. We make our health and happiness a priority. We shake off the dust and clean out the dark spaces. We make the choices that put on the path for a better, brighter tomorrow.
There is a big, bright, beautiful world out there and we long to see more of it. We start saving more for our nest eggs and planning for the future. There will be traveling, trying new things and living. We don't let worry and doubt cast a dark shadow on our glossy plans. Why? Because we've planned for that, too.
Our savings are safely stored away for safe keeping. We have top-notch accident and illness plans to protect our nest egg from unexpected medical expenses. If anything happens, we can focus on getting better so we can get back out there. We don't worry about lost income or expensive deductibles. We've taken care of everything so we can keep on dreaming big. Now, isn't that a great feeling?
We live to be happy. Worry and fear shouldn't get in the way. Spring on in to Utah Avenue Insurance and ask us how together we can protect your nest egg.