Our Favorite Plans for 2022!

The Top 7 Plans on the Utah Marketplace for 2022
2022 Open Enrollment is HERE! And there are so many new plans on the market, and lots of new information to sift through. Our agents have done their research to find the best plans for 2022, and this is what they found!
1) SelectHealth Expanded Bronze 7800
This plan is great for healthy families, and preventative care is free. The deductible is waived for:
Primary Care Visits: $50 copay
Specialists: $95 copay
Urgent Care: $70 copay
Mental Health: $50 copay
Generic Drugs: $20-$30 copay
2) SelectHealth Benchmark Expanded Bronze with $0 Copay
There is no deductible on this plan, and everything is a fixed copay.
Primary Care Visits: $40 copay
Specialists: $90 copay
There are a couple of larger copays, including for the ER ($1500) and overnight hospital stays, but the copays are still less than a high deductible.
Why we like SelectHealth:

We love SelectHealth’s big network, which includes all Intermountain Healthcare hospitals. SelectHealth Med (available for both of the above plans, depending on your location) expands the network to include parts of Idaho and Nevada.
All SelectHealth plans (except HSA) include urgent care, mental health, and primary care virtual visits for FREE, which is great when you are traveling!
And you can choose to meet with any doctor in the network that can do virtual visits. Preventative care is also free, including contraceptive services (birth control, IUDs, tubal ligation, etc.), breast pumps, and flu shots.
For our part, we love to work with SelectHealth because their customer service is top notch. They have an advocate team to help you find specific types of doctors. You can also check your symptoms via the MyHealth+ app.
Beyond the benefits provided by your plan, SelectHelath also has a gym reimbursement and wellness program, and you can check out the details of that here.
3) Cigna Connect 3500
We call this the Diabetic Care Plan. On this plan there is a $0 for preferred insulins including Trulicity, Humalog, and Basaglar—that means FREE insulin! The plan also includes:
Free testing supplies like test strips
Free diabetes related equipment like the DexCom G6 Receiver, Sensor, and Transmitter
Free A1C testing
Free eye exam
Our agents are experienced at researching plans to make sure all your diabetic medical needs are covered. Contact an agent to go over the details of what you need covered, and we’ll find the best plan for you.
Why we like Cigna:
Cigna plans (all of them!) have the best diabetic care.
Their plans also have a great program for those that use inhalers. Mountain Star hospitals are in network.
4) Regence BCBS Silver 6500
If you’re looking for an affordable plan with great benefits, this is definitely one to look at! The deductible for Regence's silver plans is based on income. Contact one of our local agents to see what your plan would look like.
Max-out-of-pocket: $1000
Co-insurance: 10%
Primary Care Visits: $10
Generic Drugs: $10
5) Regence BCBS Bronze Essential 8000
This plan is a great option for healthy families that don’t go to the doctor often. While it does have a high deductible, each family member gets 4 office visits for a copay. You have the option for those visits of going to a primary care physician, specialist, or urgent care. For most families, that is more than enough.
Why we like Regence (BlueCross BlueShield):
All the Regence plans are super affordable. Many other insurance companies are raising prices for 2022, but Regence is keeping prices steady or making plans less expensive.
Their network extends out of state to Idaho and Washington and includes both Mountain Star and University of Utah hospitals.
They are a particularly great company to look at if you live in the Lehi/American Fork area.
6) U of U Healthy Preferred/Premier Bronze 3 copay plan

This plan is very low cost or FREE for most families that qualify. The plan gives each family member 3 office visits (to a primary care physician, specialist, or urgent care) for just a copay.
Why we like University of Utah:
The University of Utah plans have one of the best formularies, meaning they cover the most prescription drugs. They are one of the highest rated companies for their customer service, and THEY PAY YOU to get your flu shot.
The best part is, most families can get their bronze plans for free, including the plan listed above!
7) Molina Constant Care Silver 7
Unfortunately, Molina is discontinuing all their bronze plans starting in 2022, so if you'd like to stay on Molina, check out this silver plan option. If you are unsure about how to handle the change from a Molina bronze plan, contact one of our local agents to find a more affordable plan for next year.
This Silver plan with Molina has
$0 deductible for those that qualify
$1200 max-out-of-pocket
Free primary care visits
$10 copay for specialist
Why we like Molina:
Molina has many drug rehabilitation facilities in their network, which is one of the largest networks in Utah. Both Mountain Star and University of Utah hospitals are in network. Their plans have a copay for intensive outpatient therapy.
Finally, here's an 8th plan to watch out for from a new insurance company!
New BrightHealth Plan!
BrightHealth is a new company on the Utah Marketplace.
They offer a Bronze $0 deductible plan that most people qualify to have for FREE!
Though new to Utah, they are already known for stellar customer service and cover 100 preventative medications for free. Mountain Star hospitals are included in their network.
Make an Appointment for Open Enrollment Now!
Call or text us at 801-609-8699 if you have questions about any of these plan! Now is the time to set up your 2022 health insurance! Make sure to see your agent and set up a plan BEFORE December 15th to have coverage start on January 1st.
About Utah Avenue Insurance
Utah Avenue Insurance is your local health insurance experts. Our agents are here to help you with all your health insurance questions. Utah Avenue can help you with marketplace (aka Obamacare) plans, private health insurance and Medicare. If you have questions about how your medical insurance plans work or need help enrolling in a plan, we can help you. As always, our service is free to you.
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